ESG & Climate Change Advisory Services

We help our clients develop the appropriate methodologiesand strategies to manage sustainable development matters acrossthe entire range of their activities and take advantage of the opportunitiesrelated to the achievement of their goals.

Sustainable Development Strategy

Current State Assessment

Materiality Analysis

Developing Sustainable Development Strategy

Setting Goals

CSRD Reporting

Sustainability Reporting

Integrated Reporting

EU Taxonomy Reporting

Sustainable Development Reporting

Corporate Governanceon ESG issues

ESG training for Board members

Specialised training for employees

Development of corporate policies on ESG issues

Participation in ESG rating platforms and agencies

Completion of ESG investor / due diligence questionnaires

Support for questionnaires from Banking Institutions

Endorsement of questionnaires / ESG material

Development of ESG material for investors

Investor Relations

Carbon Footprint Measurement

Calculation of direct and indirectScope 1 & 2 emissions

Calculation of other indirect Scope 3 emissions

Climate change impact assessment

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Antonis Antoniadis

Senior Manager, Risk Advisory Services
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